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Benchmarking & Transformation of HR Operations

Is your HR ready for Industry 4.0. Critical success factors of HR Operations now a days are
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Is your HR ready for Industry 4.0. Critical success factors of HR Operations now a days are
Corporate Governance
Legal framework for Director and KMP (Key Managerial Persons) of companies is well defined for companies incorporated under Companies Act, 2013. The director and KMP should be well aware of the legal framework in order to play role of an effective and efficient board member. The board member should be aware of their roles and responsibilities which are statutorily mandated to protect interest of investors and all other stake holders including company itself. Interactive one-on-session at the end of training session will give you an opportunity to discuss your business challenges and seek solutions from the duly Certified Independent Director (certification by IICA - Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs, Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Govt. of India)
Training Topics (Online or on premises)
What is Corporate Governance
Role & importance of corporate governance
Legal position of “Company”
Legal position of Director
Comparison of Director and member of company
Promoter of company to Director of company
Types of Directors
Roles of Directors
Powers of Directors
Responsibilities of Directors
Liabilities of Directors
Qualification of Director
Appointment of Director
Disqualification and removal of Director
Lifting of corporate veil
Enterprise Encyclopedia of HR & Business Policies
Diligently drafted and implemented HR policies can substantially reduce number of employee grievances and time spent on addressing it. Leaving apart statutory provisions, most of the provisions in the policies need to be customized to suit to your business. The all-in-one reference book of HR and business policies, SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures), Checklist etc would definitely bring in operational ease and efficiency. Schedule consultation with us to define or revisit your business policies like below. There can be definite scope for process optimization, automation or outsourcing.
Employee Code of Conduct
Business Travel Policy
Employee Leave Policy
KPA and KPI for each employee
Employee Appraisal Policy
Performance evaluation Policy
Employee Onboard and Offboarding Policy
Revenue leakage policy
Business risk analysis and mitigation
Legal risk analysis and mitigation
POSH Compliance
The sexual harassment of women at workplace Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal Act 2013, is normally known as POSH (Prevention of Sexual Harassment) Act. The Act lays down compliance requirements for every organization where ten or more number of employees are working. The compliance includes a properly constituted IC (Internal Committee), providing training in order to create awareness amongst employees, orientation and skill building for the IC, and exhibiting the consequences of sexual harassment through posters and signage at the workplace, to name a few. The POSH Act states that non-compliance can lead to a fine of Rs 50,000 in the first instance and thereafter, loss of license to carry out business. Disclosure is also required in annual report/filling to be signed by the Directors. Talk to us for getting your organization POSH compliant to protect and feel secure venerable section of your workforce.