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LexWin Services Offering

LexWin service portfolio ranges from providing end to end legal assistance in land acquisition, disposal, high value transactions, technology transfer etc. LexWin is also pioneered in providing specialized training to empower Directors and KMP to discharge their duties and liabilities defined under Companies Act, 2013. LexWin service offering includes but not limited to,

  • Retainership services

  • Corporate restructuring

  • Corporate legal

  • Services under RERA (Real Estate Regulatory Authority)

  • Legal assistance for high value transactions

  • Legal support for acquisition and disposal of land

  • Legal compliance

  • Outsourcing support for HR function (staff augmentation or project base)

  • HR Policies, HR Analytics, Performance Evaluation System design and implementation

  • Staff Augmentation, Contract Resources, Recruitment

  • End to end project legal consulting

  • Project Outsourcing

  • HR Policies

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